As you’ve been searching for a water softener for your home, you may have noticed that some mention that they’re tested and certified. What does it mean if a water softener has been tested and [...]
Whether you have been living in your home for years or have just recently moved in, you may notice that something is not quite right with your water supply. Maybe it smells funny, tastes strange [...]
I had a flareup of dry skin around my eyes, and I decided to go see a dermatologist about it. I was shocked when he said that it could have to do with my water, and if I took a break from washing [...]
When it comes to water treatment, you have many options. How do you know which is right for you? We’ve outlined some of the questions you should ask to help make your decision clearer and easier. [...]
Do you have dry skin and hair? Do you drink bottled water because your tap water tastes or smells bad? Are you constantly replacing your water-using appliances? These are all signs that your [...]
Do you know what’s in your water? How about where it comes from or how it’s treated? If you get your water from a community water system, there’s an easy way to find out. What is a Consumer [...]